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Push a workflow to SCALE

Once you have created and saved your workflow, you can push it to SCALE. You can then share and deploy it on the infrastructure of your choice.

If you use our Python API, the easiest way to push your workflow to SCALE is to use the Ikomia CLI.

Export your workflow to JSON

To export a workflow to a JSON file, you can use the save method of the Workflow class.

from ikomia.dataprocess.workflow import Workflow
from ikomia.utils.displayIO import display

# Creating a simple workflow:
wf = Workflow()
wf.add_task(name="infer_yolo_v7", auto_connect=True)

# Saving the workflow to a JSON file:"path/to/your/workflow.json")

Use the push command

ikcli project push <ProjectName> <path/to/your/workflow.json>

You will then be able to see your workflow in the project page of SCALE.