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To access your deployment's REST API you must be authenticated with a JWT token. This endpoint from Ikomia SCALE API allows you to request a JWT token for a specific deployment. We recommend to check the JWT token validity (expiry) before requesting a new one to avoid time overhead.


This endpoint requires to be logged to an Ikomia account that has access to the deployment.

When implementing the authentication process on your backend, you must provide an API Token in the Authorization header of the request. You can create a token from your token settings.

Query Parameters

    endpoint stringrequired

    The deployment endpoint URL for which the JWT is requested.

    Authorization stringrequired

    In the format Token <SCALE_API_TOKEN>. (Replace <SCALE_API_TOKEN> with your actual API token)


A JSON object containing the JWT and its expiry information, along with other OAuth 2.0 standard fields.

    id_token string

    The JWT token to be used for authentication.

    access_token stringrequired

    The access token issued by the authorization server.

    token_type stringrequired

    The type of the token issued. Value is case insensitive and should be Bearer.

    expires_in integerrequired

    The lifetime in seconds of the access token.

    refresh_token string

    A token that can be used to obtain a new access token when the original expires.

    scope string

    Optional. The scope of the access request.

The token to use on deployment endpoints is the id_token field.
